Research related to Industrial Biotechnology

Industrial or white biotechnology uses biological agents (e.g microorganisms and enzymes) to produce goods for industry, including chemicals, plastics, food, agricultural and pharmaceutical products…


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How to set up Commands in NestJS App for your scalable server

CLI application (Command Line Interface) is one of the important parts in each server application, here where you can define the logic of your command and then schedule a cronjob (most cases) to run it offline. Commands have many use cases for instance:

In this blog, I will share with you how did we manage to run fully isolated CLI in the NestJS application in a clean way.

The documentation on how to set up and run the commands was clear but that meant for demonstration purposes only. But we wanted to structure the commands to run separately from the running server and to keep each set of commands inside its module for better readability and scalability.


Finally, add this script in your package.json, this will point to your tsconfigs.json and resolve paths of the custom alias of your project folders. you will require to install ts-node if you are not using it.

Below are the paths inside compilerOptions in thetsconfigs.json that we are using in our project.

We finally reached the exciting part where we can run our command by typing this in our project directory terminal

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