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Making a Bad Day Better

We all have bad days. That doesn’t mean they have to stay that way.

We all get them. Bad days, that is.

These are days when we feel like we have no control. That everything is just all too much to deal with. And as moods worsen, they can spiral deeper and ruin the entire day — and days to come.

The good news is that when it comes to your mood and how you manage your day, you’re more in control than you think.

Here are some very quick, straightforward ways to turn your day around. They’re small tricks that won’t cost you a dime, and that can build upon each other.

Just figuring out what’s putting you in a foul mood can give you the power to help overcome that.

Examine your day. Look at what you’ve been doing that day and what sort of events have been happening around you. Doing so should allow you to isolate the source of your anxiety or stress.

Once identified, you’ll be better positioned to take steps to deal with it.

Stop what you’re doing and, instead, take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, then slowly release it. As you exhale, feel yourself releasing your stress with that outgoing breath. Do this slowly and remind yourself that everything is going to be okay.

As you take a few deep breaths and slowly release them, let tension flow away from your back and shoulder.

Still stressed? Repeat the process a few more times.

Do someone a quick favor. Say something nice to another person.

These are simple acts that cost you very little.

Why bother?

Because saying or doing something nice is its own reward, and you can benefit directly from it.

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