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Find You

Photo by: Unsplash

I am more convinced than ever that finding out who you are is the most relevant enigma that a person can ever treasure when found. Nothing else in the world can compare to its security and freedom. I have truly washed my hands of worlds’ nos and dreams. I now find complete bliss deciding my own future and living in the blankets that I once thought belonged to others, but instead it was mine all along.

I remember life when I was younger, I found it very hard to be myself in front of others. I was timid and shy. Most of all, I was afraid of who I truly was/ afraid of rejection. What was presented in front of me seemed pleasable, but while others were looking at the stars, I looked over them and lived there. Of course, I held that part in for years, but at what cost. The cost was grander than the act itself. Knocking me completely off gravity, I was unhinged in every way possible. Believing in things that my heart knew didn’t belong within me. I waged so many wars within until it seemed like home to me. There was no room for for contentment only destruction.


Finding out who you are unlocks every door that you have been trying to ever open. There is a uniqueness inside of you that begs for your attention. It roars until it is heard. There in its core holds authentic wisdom waiting to be awakened and freed/ waiting for the moment you realize that you need it. If I were you I would listen to everything it has to offer and trust every word it has to say. Turn your attention inwardly.

Life presents to you every angle- good and bad/ hate and like. It is up to you to find your good and your like and turn to it. And turn away from all that brings you unhappiness. Find your way and live!! Trying gets you over the mountain, allowing gets you beyond the clouds.

Every book that was ever written, every song that was ever heard, every invention that was ever created started only with a single thought. We all have billion dollars ideas within us, but it starts with recognizing who you are and never dialing back because of someone else’s no. We as humans are all creators and like all creators we channel energy from within and make it tangible for the world to hold. This is who you are believe in it!

Not everyone will understand your vision but that’s their problem not yours. No amount of convincing will ever change their perception of you. But the worst thing you can ever do is “ Lie to yourself”. Be brave, Be bold and conquer your doubts and fear from answers that lie within you. Be resilient. When you need answers be silent and listen from within, for who know you better than you. Who are you when the world isn’t looking? Be that person everywhere you go/ full of security and freedom from knowing exactly who you are and what you want. A life where excuses and failure do not belong.

There is an unlimited resource of answers that lives within you- Find it/ use it.

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